Virtual TourShop

Door 3


Simon Gamper
reden hearn, 2023
Luft, bewegt von Whatsapp-Sprachnachrichten, Klavier, Moog Grandmother, Korg Minilogue XD und Korg Volca Beats
aria, commosso dai messaggi vocali di Whatsapp, pianoforte, Moog Grandmother, Korg Minilogue XD e Korg Volca Beats

air, moved by Whatsapp voice messages, piano, Moog Grandmother, Korg Minilogue XD and Korg Volca Beats
Größe variabel / dimensioni variabili / size variable

Consumed spoken news reports have been combined to form a sound installation. The upcycling and downcycling of spoken and received words and technical equipment tell a tale of acoustic and visual perceptions of language.

photos: Gustav Willeit

lg md sm xs